The first sign of bed bug infestation is excrement stains on bed sheets. The excrement from bed bugs is typically rusty red, brown, or black in color. These stains tend to diffuse into a larger area and are often smeared or round in shape. Eventually, they fade to a lighter brown color. Once the bed bugs have laid their eggs, they will leave eggshells and feces on your sheets.
Bed bug bites cause swelling
There are a number of ways to tell if your bedding is contaminated with bedbugs. Early bedbug stains on your sheets and clothing can be a warning of the infestation. While some people experience pain or swelling from bedbug bites, others do not notice anything at all. This is because bedbug bites don’t always show up until a few days later. It is also possible to miss the signs of bedbug infestation entirely, such as welts or blood stains on your sheets.
Crushed bed bugs leave stains on sheets
Blood stains on sheets are one of the most common symptoms of a bed bug infestation. Bed bugs are known to leave stains on your sheets and pillowcases due to their feeding habits. The bugs can produce red or brown blood stains after feeding on your skin. Crushing a bed bug can cause its blood to ooze onto your sheets. You can then rub these stains with a clean dry cloth to get rid of them.
Bed bug eggs
Early bed bug stains on sheets indicate that an infestation is beginning. Bedbugs are tiny, red bugs that feed during the night and remain hidden while you are awake. Bedbugs lay eggs in crevices and underneath the mattress. Eggs of bed bugs can lay dormant for a year before hatching, and during this time, they are hungry. It’s important to treat an infestation as soon as you notice any signs of bedbugs.
Bed bug blood stains are round or smeared
If you wake up one morning and find round or smeared red stains on your sheets, chances are you have bed bugs. They often slither on your bed linens, leaving behind a blood stain. They also leave fecal stains. These stains are usually dark brown or black and come from exoskeletons shed by the bed bugs during their molting process.
Bed bug excrement stains blend in well with light-colored backgrounds
When looking for the early sign of bedbug infestation, look for the white stain left by the bugs’ feces. Early bedbug excrement stains will blend in well with light-colored backgrounds. If you notice these stains on your bed, you may want to take it to a pest control specialist for identification. If you suspect bedbugs, however, you can use a Bed Bug Blue test kit. It comes with a proprietary solution and Q-tips for removing the bugs’ excrement stains.
Signs of other home pests
In addition to a noticeable stain on your sheets, bed bugs may leave fecal stains on the wall or under your wallpaper. Egg shells are also common indicators of bed bug infestation. These mottled white specks are produced as the bed bugs shed their skins. You can find them in your mattress, headboard, between cushions on sofas, and under furniture. Be sure to check your mattresses regularly for eggs.
Treatment options
If you notice stains on your bed sheets or mattress, you might have an infestation of bedbugs. You need to get rid of the bugs before they spread to other rooms. Fortunately, there are several treatments available to get rid of bed bugs. If you suspect that you have a bedbug infestation, you can start by examining your bed’s lower and upper piping. These areas are prime places to find the bugs.
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